Kansas City Family Photographer - Cady Family Session

I have some images to share from a family session I did for a family I have know for a long time.  This family is from my home town of Russellville, we actually lived right down the road from one another.  I had a lot of fun catching up and am so happy that they made the trip up to KC for the session.  And let me tell you, it can be hard to keep kids entertained when doing a session this large and they did absolutely fabulous!!  It took some work, but they gave such wonderful smiles.  We got so many good shots!  Hope you like them!!  :)

Kansas City Family Photographer - Cady Family by randilyn829


Brittney Wakeand said...

Love it!!

Frank Hume said...

Such a beautiful family.

Jacob Pearre said...

The picture turned out great

Brandi Abbiatti said...

How cute!

Krista Lane said...

Great pics. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Very awesome. The colors are fab!

Jill Wilson said...

Very cute

Heather Wolken said...

Great pictures. The blue really brings out the kids eyes!

Bonnie Wakeland said...

Great pictures, Carson is so cute!

Richard Wakeland said...

I really like the colors

Stephanie said...

Love the colors you chose!

Mia Fleener said...

I like the colors a lot! The kids are really cute!

Candice Wilson said...

Great pictures!

Ceil Abbott said...

Great family pictures! They all look just like Brittany.

Jennifer Maiura said...

Love the kiddos!

Katherine Hayden said...

Very cute pictures!

Samantha Edmondson said...

These pictures are adorable :-) Love them!

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