Kansas City Newborn Photography - Claire's Newborn Session

This red head beauty is Claire. I just looove that full head of red hair!! And this 'hands under chin shot' has to be one of my faves - she just looks so elegant and sweet. Hope you enjoy the images!

Kansas City Newborn Photography - Claire's Newborn Session by randilyn829


Katie said...

Randi, these are gorgeous!

Kelly Boettcher said...

I love the hands under the chin shot!

Sara said...

These are so cute!! Good job!

Amanda said...

She's so Pretty, Katie!!! These are great :)

Noel said...

What a gorgeous baby. I love her headband.

Anonymous said...

Let preface my comment...I am notorious for thinking that every single newborn is UGLY...ain't seen one that I would want to take home with me...to include my own...

until now! She is a CUTE, CUTE, CUTIE!!!!

I am almost POSITIVE that Ryan had nothing to do with this child. Katie, she is a beautiful baby.

Haylee said...

These are gorgeous! Loving the red hair! Congrats Katie & Ryan!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby. Can't wait to see and hold her.

Anonymous said...

Those are amazing! Just goregeous!!

Rachel said...

Aww what a pretty baby. Excellent shots (though I was a little disappointed that there was none with a flower growing out of the stomach. I really like the black and white one! <3 Rachel

Erin said...

Wow... the amazing posable baby. These are fantastic.

Joni Smiles said...

Wow, Claire is just BEAUTIFUL! And she may be sleeping now, but it looks like you'll have a fiery red head on your hands!

Mom B said...

Precious! Such wonderful pictures!

Elizabeth said...

D'awww, dah cutie.

Grandmom said...

She's beautiful!

Kim and Nick Bibbs said...

Such great pics! Look at that full head of hair! So adorable!

Cathy Abbott said...

She's so beautiful! Can't wait to put one of these on my desk -- love you! Mom

Jim Turner said...

Too cute.

Ray said...

Great shots, can't wait to come out and visit

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